
Friday Mar 08, 2019
An Intro to an upcoming podcast
Friday Mar 08, 2019
Friday Mar 08, 2019
This is just a place holder... stay tuned (and spread the word)

Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
An overview of the upcoming podcast schedule to officially launch Jan 1st 2020
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
Tuesday Apr 02, 2019
If you'd like to see the video component of this? Head to: https://vimeo.com/327913268
If you'd like to contact me, perhaps to be interviewed as part of the series? You can do that via; Pdejager@technobility.com

Monday Nov 11, 2019
Update on Status of the Podcast
Monday Nov 11, 2019
Monday Nov 11, 2019
A quick update on the status of the Podcast
Identifies the plan for at least 10 episodes, the schedule and support options.
The real show begins Jan 1st

Monday Dec 30, 2019
Episode #01 Why did it matter?
Monday Dec 30, 2019
Monday Dec 30, 2019
Peter explains what were the drivers behind the Y2K concerns and his determination to get people to pay attention to the issue.
You can email him at: Pdejager@Technobility.com

Monday Jan 13, 2020
Episode #02 The Tech Problem in Great Detail
Monday Jan 13, 2020
Monday Jan 13, 2020
How we fixed Y2K, from Field Expansion to Date Windowing, from Time Warping Data to Triage
CORRECTION to the description... )This is what happens when you work when down with the creeping crud).
The title is correct... It IS about the tech problem and it sets the stage for fixing it via the techniques mentioned. THIS episode is JUST the technical details that affected HOW we'd apply the fixes described.
Note to self -- Murphy's laws are always in play... even in session descriptions. sigh.

Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Episode #03 - A Storm of Solutions
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
This time around - we focus on how exactly we 'solved' Y2K. From full date expansion to adding Century codes, from the Temporary fix that was date windowing, to something out of Star Trek called Time Warping. And of course, all the implications for any of the fixes that we deployed.

Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Episode #04 The Y2K Failures: Before, During and Today
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
One of the biggest misconceptions about Y2K is that it was much to do about nothing.
'Nothing happened' is the generally accepted narrative.
This episode is a litany of errors. Those than came before 'Y2K' was a thing, Those that we caused while trying to fix what we found, the problems we found and had no choice but to fix, the problems that happened on the 'day' and all the many problems that continued long after January 1st 2000... all the way up to 2020 AND the ones that will inevitably show up as we cross specific trip wires in the future.
Y2K was an issue - we have the receipts
The Premium version of this episode is located here: www.vimeo.com/ondemand/Y2K

Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Episode #05 A Tale of Two Y2Ks
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Y2K isn't one story - there was a technical side and there was the hyperbole.
We went from Y2K - an 'acronym' for 'Year 2000' - a purely technical issue about a field overflow problem to?
TEOTWAWKI --- another acronym for THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT!!! ... caps and exclamation points are used deliberately to convey what can only be described as unfettered hysteria.
Join Peter as he explores how the message of this technical issue was almost destined to spin out of control. And... his look back on how he was involved on both sides of the final perception of Y2K
Peter de Jager
p.s. This podcast is meant to be a lookback at Y2K and those who were involved - IF you were involved? Contact me - your story should be a part of this archive.

Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Update on the Y2K Interviews
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
A quick update on the Y2K Interviews available in the ondemand sections of this podcast
You can find the interviews here; www.vimeo.com/ondemand/y2k

Friday Mar 13, 2020
Episode #06 It was a Change Problem
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Friday Mar 13, 2020
While Y2K was a technical problem for those who worked directly on it, for myself and a few others who were attempting to create awareness - it was first and foremost a Change Management Problem.
I've wrestled with how to present this particular aspect of the project. I could just talk about what I did through the 1990s, but that would only highlight the results of my thoughts and not how I decided what to do.
So, I've decided to do this in two parts;-
In the first? I'll focus on why it was a change project and what 'Change Concepts' I used to frame the 'awareness' project.
In many ways this session is a template for any real world problem where a change is desired, but can't be commanded to happen.
I'll spend time on explaining WHAT the template is attempting to achieve and why each component is important.
This is what I'll present this friday
In the second part, episode #7 - with the framework in place - I'll fill in the Y2K particulars.
Together They'll provide a 'theoretical framework' and then a real world example of how to use that framework. Hopefully? You'll be able to take these two as a framework for your future Change initiatives.
Note? Episode #6, while it will touch on Y2K - it'll be primarily about 'Change' - and less about Y2K
Episode #7 will highlight exactly how things like, the Y2K cartoon book, the NY Stock Exchange 'de Jager' index, and putting year2000 website up on eBay
served an agenda other than what was visible to anyone other than myself.
In more than 2,000 Y2K interviews - none of the above was ever discussed.
Join me as I explore the strategy behind much of what was visible.